men’s health

Bodyline offer a range of medical weight loss, Explore Health Checks for Men and Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatments.


Bodyline offer a range of medical weight loss, Explore Health Checks for Men and Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatments.

We provide personalised Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatments as well as reliable Explore Health Checks for Men and Safe Medical Weight Loss Programmes, geared towards improving life quality and overall health and wellbeing.

Whether you’re looking to shed some weight, wanting to understand how healthy you are or are fed up with low moods, fatigue, decreased sense of wellbeing and libido loss, Bodyline will work and Bodyline cares.

We can diagnose and normalise testosterone levels in men effectively by addressing symptoms of low testosterone. Our gold standard approach to treating Low Testosterone is personal to you and tailored to your blood tests and personal symptoms. Our unique approach to boosting testosterone, prescribing essential vitamins and supplements together with nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle advice will optimise your health and wellbeing. 

Medical Weight

We offer safe, effective, and affordable medical weight loss treatments.  We support you to lose of up to a stone in the first month of our medical weight loss programmes, in clinic or at home. We prescribe from a range of safe and effective weight loss medications tailored to you and support you to reach your weight loss goals and maintain your ideal weight in the future.   We prescribe from our range of weight loss medications, assist with changing eating habits, and advise you of lifestyle changes.


Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is prescribed by Bodyline Medical Wellness Clinics as part of a supported patient treatment plan.  Our clinical team will prescribe an optimum dose of LDN that will be titrated during the treatment programme.  Our specialists will also provide you with consistent support to improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

Our clinical team will support you to getting back to feeling more like you. 

men's health checks

We offer a range of Explore Health Checks for Men to give you a comprehensive insight into your health and well-being.

Our clinical team will provide you with your results at a diagnostic consultation and will provide recommendations for any future treatments.

Latest Bodyline medical treatment news

Experts and medical professionals are welcoming the weight loss medication revolution that has come from the new game changing options available to tackle obesity and weight health related issues. That’s because the public has finally come to terms with the concept that diet and exercise alone is not the sole answer to breaking free from the cycle of chronic obesity. There are many reasons a person can struggle with sustainable weight loss, including but not limited to hormonal imbalances, medical conditions, ethnic background, and stress.
Weight loss injections have been dominating headlines and social media conversations about medical weight loss treatments across the world, particularly since they became accessible privately in the UK.  However, unfortunately these injectable weight loss medications aren't always suitable for anyone that seeks medical support for their weight loss goals. Luckily, at Bodyline we have almost two decades of experience offering a range of safe, effective, and efficient medical weight loss treatments, helping patients lose weight sustainably long before injectable therapies came onto the market.
Obesity is a complex condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and numbers continue to rise. In fact, experts predict that by 2035, over half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese. Obesity can lead to various health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems, and for some people, health complications due to obesity can be fatal. 

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