We’ve all been here before.
“My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight”
“My New Year’s resolution is to drop a clothes size”
“My New Year’s resolution is to get fit”
How many of your New Year’s resolutions have ended up a ghost of resolution’s past?
The problem with these resolutions is that they are either way too vague or completely unrealistic, and by February, there’s little to no motivation for us to keep going with them. So here at Bodyline we’ve compiled 3 ways for you to make a new year’s resolution that is doable and won’t become another goal you pretend you never made.
Be specific!
Don’t just say you want to “lose weight”, as you leave yourself open to failure with a resolution that is too vague. How do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to lose weight? What is the motivation? Frame it following this structure: “I want to drop two clothes size by signing up to Bodyline Clinic and eating healthier, because I would like to be able to fit into my old favourite trousers again which will make me feel confident in myself”
Write one yourself by filling in the blanks
“I want to ______ by ______, because I would like to ______ which will make me feel _____”
The more specific we are about our goals by asking ourselves what, when, why and how, the easier the goal feels and the stronger we remember the motivations behind it.
Be realistic!
Making unrealistic goals makes disappointment more inevitable. Making a goal like ‘by Summer I’ll drop 3 clothes sizes” can be tempting. However, weight loss is a marathon not a sprint, and you risk disappointment and deflation in confidence when reality does not meet expectations. Set smaller incremental goals within smaller time frames. Avoid intimidating promises within unrealistic timeframes. Bodyline can help with this, as our team can help with personalised goals for your medical weight-loss journey.
Don’t forget the fun!
New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be tortuous, so don’t promise to go running every morning if running is something you hate to do. Think about when you were a child, what sport did you love to do? If you were a fan of football, why not join a local 5-a-side team? If you liked swimming, why not join a leisure centre and go swimming in the evenings? Your resolution can be something you look forward to doing, as opposed to dreading.