Are you seeing symptoms like erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, low libido, and uneven fat distribution and wondering whether they could be a sign of low testosterone?
Well you certainly aren’t alone, testosterone deficiency is prevalent in society, particularly as the population gets older. Research has shown that between 10-40% of men suffer from low testosterone related symptoms, and a man’s risk of becoming testosterone deficient efficient increases with every year.
Testosterone, the ‘male hormone’, is very important for hormonal health and overall wellness in men. Testosterone stimulates men’s muscles, bones, skin, and sex organs, and is responsible for the development of masculine physical features.
Testosterone deficiency or low testosterone happens when the male sexual organ’s ability to produce the testosterone hormone is significantly reduced
There is a real lack of public awareness when it comes to testosterone levels, but those who have started to wonder if it is the underlying cause of their health problems will be wondering how they can get their hormone levels checked.
Men between the ages of 45 and 50 experience the sharpest decreases in testosterone levels, and when levels of testosterone drop below 300ng, it can be known as ‘andropause’ or the ‘male menopause’.
This term is used loosely, as clinicians recognise it is physiologically different to the female menopause, however andropause can still be life altering for men due to the symptoms that low testosterone can cause.
If you’re wondering how you can get your testosterone levels checked, then keep reading, because at Bodyline we are experts in testing, treating, and supporting patients experiencing hormonal imbalances.
How do I know if I need to check my testosterone levels?
Loss of testosterone can lead to problems that can significantly impact the quality of a man’s life, affecting the body, the mind, and the sex life. Symptoms can include:
- Reduced libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue
- Low mood
- Weight gain
- Night sweats
- Short term memory loss
- Irritability
- Loss of muscle mass and strength
- Breast development
- Increased body fat
- Reduced bone mass
- Hair loss
- Low motivation
- Loss of body hair
- Reduced self confidence
- Lack of clarity
- Brain fog
- Sleep issues
- Depression
- General sense of feeling unwell
Each of these symptoms can have a real impact on a man’s quality of life, which is why it is important to test for their causes, seek help, and choose to treat the cause at the root.
It’s important to understand that not everyone will have the same experience of low testosterone and that’s okay. We also understand that it can be a bit of a sensitive topic, particularly in discussions around sexual function.
Bernie Murphy, registered nurse manager and the Clinical Lead at Bodyline has treated many patients who came to us with low testosterone and explains how it manifests itself in many ways:
“Testosterone is directly responsible for things like sexual function, muscle growth, aches and painful joints, energy levels, and motivation. People don’t understand that it is responsible for lots and lots of things, which is why men are quick to pin it on their age – a bit like women with the menopause.
“In the same respect, a lot of men are unwilling to approach that topic or discuss their problems with their GP, particularly when it is the sexual function that’s impacted…
“Whereas in a private consultation with me, or one of the other low testosterone nurses, I’ve found that men are a lot more comfortable talking to us. We offer consistency, where they see the same few clinical nurses repeatedly over the course of their treatment. It’s meant we have gained that trust, so they are comfortable enough to open up to us and explore the benefits of using the testosterone.”
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above and think you may need to get your hormone levels checked, you can get in touch with us today. At Bodyline, we offer blood screenings and analysis to help our patients gain clarity.
If you’re still unsure, it might help you to understand what causes low testosterone levels in the first place.
Contact our specialist low testosterone team to find out more about our personalised treatments.
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What could be causing my low testosterone?
Decreasing testosterone levels in men happens naturally with age, with an average loss of 2% every year after 40-years-old. By the age of 50, on average, 20% of their testosterone has gone.
However, age coupled with factors such as stress levels, obesity, and some medical conditions will further impact a man’s testosterone levels. Trauma to the testes, where the hormone is produced, also effects the amount of testosterone being produced.
In the UK, 68.6% of men are classed as overweight or obese, increasing their risk of testosterone deficiency. If you have a body mass index (BMI) that puts you in the category of obesity, your weight could be the cause of your low testosterone symptoms.
Physiologically, obesity leads to insulin resistance, which in turn is associated with reductions in the proteins required for sex hormone production, decreasing the testosterone levels. However, a symptom of testosterone deficiency is increased body fat distribution, which means that obesity and testosterone levels are part of a self-perpetuating cycle of complications.
Chronic stress also impacts testosterone levels and has found to be the leading cause of male infertility. If your job is stressful, or you are going through a stress inducing period of life like moving house or raising teenaged children, your testosterone levels can be impacted.
How can I get my testosterone levels checked?
It is very easy to get your testosterone levels checked with the help of Bodyline’s low testosterone treatment programme. This includes testing your bloods, analysing your medical history with the blood results, putting together a comprehensive treatment plan, and supporting your journey on the path to optimum health.
Once you have contacted us to get the ball rolling, we offer two blood screening tests to measure your testosterone levels. That’s because your results can change drastically from day to day depending on what you’ve eaten, what exercise you’ve done, how much water you’ve drank, and any stress you’ve undergone.
These tests don’t just test for testosterone, we also test for DHEA, (dehydroepiandrosterone) which is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands and the brain to aid in the production of testosterone in the testes, along with vitamin D and Vitamin B12.
The two blood screenings can be cross referenced to give us a wider frame of reference to check your hormone profile, and compared with any medical history, lifestyle, contraindications in medications, as well as your cholesterol levels and prostate function.
If our checks confirm a testosterone deficiency, we prescribe a medical treatment programme toto target your target your low testosterone levels. If not, we are able to identify what may be the problem instead and refer you on to the next avenue of treatment options.
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?
TRT is a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) where you are prescribed medications that artificially restore the hormones your body is no longer making. HRT comes in lots of different forms such as creams, gels, patches, or injections.
At Bodyline, our HRT is bespoke based on blood tests and symptom analysis to target your exact hormone deficiencies. TRT treatments for men can include testosterone and DHEA.
We don’t believe in the on-size-fits-all approach, our experience in holistic treatments make us qualified to look at treatment plans that factor in the whole person.
If you think you are exhibiting symptoms of low testosterone and would like to get your hormone levels checked, get in touch with Bodyline today or call 0800 995 6036 and take your next steps to a happier, healthier you.
Bodyline works, and Bodyline cares.