How to Beat the January Blues

January is always a funny time of year. Christmas over, bank account low, weather gloomy as ever. It’s a tough time of year, and after the December we had here in the UK, it’s understandable that we’re feeling a bit drained.

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But fear not! Our team at Bodyline want to share some advice on getting through this slump and overcoming the dreaded January Blues. Let’s start the year off right and make 2022 our best year yet!

  • Keep it moving!

    We know it can be so hard to motivate yourself to get out of your warm bed in the morning for a workout or leave the house for a walk when it’s miserable outside, but you must push through these feelings and literally step outside your comfort zone. Being stationery for too long has negative impacts on our mental health, and exercise naturally boosts our endorphins to make us happier.

  • Take CBD supplements

    CBD oil has been reported to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, aid in sleep improvement, lift mood and improve motivation. It can reduce stress, relieve chronic pain and boost energy – all things would be beneficial in helping us beat the January blues! Bodyline recommend Well Lab CBD to support a new realm of self-care this year. Visit the Well Lab website to find your perfect match!

  • Eat your greens!

    Research shows that when we eat healthily, we aren’t just improving our body’s health, but we are also improving our mental health. A healthy diet could boost your mood, give you more energy for the day, and provide your body with the right fuel to think clearer. A high protein is said to be good for our mental health. According to Mind charity, protein is made up of amino acids which is the chemical we use to regulate the feelings in our brain. Don’t forget your 5-a-day too!

  • Keep talking

    Stay in contact with your friends, family, or anyone you feel you can talk to. Talking about our feelings is beneficial for our mental health, as it puts them out into the world rather than keeping them bottled in our head. By talking, you can get support and advice from those you trust. Bodyline’s one-to-one meetings are also there if you feel you need further support from our experienced nurses and staff.

  • Kick-start your weight loss goals!

    January always comes with its new year’s resolution baggage. Our weight loss goals always seem so far off and intimidating at the beginning of the year, and often every day that passes the intimidation can grow! However, here at Bodyline we offer medical weight loss that is proven to work.

Start 2022 off with your weight loss targets set out with Bodyline! Get in touch and make an appointment today by calling 0800 995 6036, or filling in a contact form on our website.

Start your medical weight loss journey today

Remember, January is only 31 days long. You can do this!

About the author

Picture of Sally-Ann Turner

Sally-Ann Turner

I am the founder and Managing Director of Bodyline. I am passionate about providing tailored medical wellness treatments and industry leading clinical support that really make a positive difference to people’s lives. I am currently working across industry sectors to innovate women’s health solutions that deliver better patient outcomes in peri menopause and menopause.

Find me on LinkedIn

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