The B.O.D forums are designed to be insightful and informative for all members of the Bodyline community to get involved with and benefit from. We want all users to have the best possible experience of using B.O.D and the open forums, so we have a few basic guidelines we ask all users to follow:
- No racist, homophobic, discriminative or offensive language. Refrain from swearing and bad language
- All comments made by community users are based on personal opinion/experience and therefore are NOT based on medical knowledge
- Do not post third-party content pulled from other sites. If a user wishes to post content from an external site to support their comment, the site must be referenced in the comment and will be reviewed by administrators before being published to the community
- Do not use the forum to sell or promote products, invite other users to your business/social media groups, etc
- Try to tolerate differing opinions from other users on the platform and refrain from personal attacks/comments/arguments with other members
- Administrators retain the right to delete comments/topics they feel are not relevant to the platform or are becoming negative spaces on the platform
- No illegal/spam comments
- Refrain from posting personal information such as phone number, address, email address, etc