Skipping is one of the fastest, cheapest and most fun ways of working out. It gives you that nostalgic feeling, allowing you to connect to your childhood, whilst burning calories at the same time. With celebrities like Katy Perry reaching for the skipping rope when they want a quick effective workout, there’s no doubt that it can give you great results. Yet it’s an activity that sometimes gets overlooked when it comes to working out. If you’re not convinced already, here’s a few more reasons why skipping is so amazing.
Low Effort, High Impact
Skipping burns many more calories than other cardio exercises like running, with ten minutes of skipping being the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes. It’s super-efficient and you’ll see the results much faster without having to even leave your house.
Once you’ve bought your skipping rope, the cost of skipping is nothing! You don’t need to buy any high quality gym gear or trainers, and you can get going wherever you have enough space. It’s a great alternative to something like a treadmill, which costs a great deal more and can’t be stored in your top kitchen drawer.
Boosts Mood
All exercise gives the body a boost of endorphins, which are the hormones that control your mood. Skipping is no exception, and is a generally joyful activity that you can play around with and experiment with different techniques. If you have children, it’s great to get them involved too – you can compete for who can pull off the most impressive trick!
Works For All Levels of Skill
Whether you’re a beginner or a skilled athlete, skipping is easily adaptable and can be done at your own pace – you’re in control of the rope! You can take it easy with a slow skip, or push yourself to your limits by using one foot or crossing your arms over for a full body experience.
Boosts Health
Skipping isn’t really an endurance sport, it’s usually done more intensely for short periods of time. This means that your heart rate is increased quickly, which will help to improve your blood pressure over a long period of time. As your fitness level improves, it should also begin to speed up your metabolism and boost the immune system, making you a lot healthier overall!
The list goes on and on… So, what are you waiting for? Grab your rope and get skipping today!