Having been at home for three months since lockdown measures were first introduced in March earlier this year, going back to work could be a daunting idea for many.
You may find that you naturally just slip back into a routine once you get up and get going, or you might find it strange and scary being out of the house all of a sudden, feeling exposed to the virus rather than in your little bubble at home. Although you might have an idea in your head about how you’ll feel and how it will go, you never really know until the time comes. To ease your transition, we’ve put together some quick tips on how you can prepare yourself for going back to work and getting back into a routine!
Start With Positivity
Starting off your day on the right foot can really help you feel relaxed and in control when it comes to going back to work. Make sure that you wake up with plenty of time to get ready and have your clothes laid out the night before. Try to do something that will put a smile on your face, whether it’s listening to your favourite songs on the way in to work, or having a coffee from your favourite café (if it’s open for drive throughs). Anything that’s a bit of a treat compared to your normal morning routine should put you in a good mood and set you up for a day of success.
Visualise Success
Try to focus on the positives – a negative attitude or low expectations of how it will pan out, can quickly become affirmations that will stick in your head and you will struggle to see any positives at all. Imagine yourself going in and being happy to see everyone and get back into a routine, then achieving something that will make you feel proud and powerful from the get go. This gives you a target to aim for, which will subconsciously play in your head all day. You will be aiming to achieve greatness without even realising it!
Be Accountable
Make yourself responsible for getting things ticked off a to-do list each day. Even if you have to ease yourself back into working at full capacity, make small, achievable goals for yourself while you’re at work. Be sure to revel in a sense of accomplishment and pride when you tick them off. This is particularly useful for those that may be disorganised or feeling nervous and out of sorts. It helps too get everything in one place and gives you confidence that you’re doing the right things at the right times. Try to work beyond your own expectations and you’ll find that the motivation for work comes naturally. You’ll soon be back in your routine.
Take Breaks
You’ll not be used to concentrating for a long period of time having been off work for so long, so taking regular breaks throughout the day can really help you. This is especially true if you’re feeling overwhelmed and finding it hard to focus. Even if it’s getting up and making yourself a glass of water, or taking a five minute outdoor break to stretch your legs and get some fresh air, you’ll find that your concentration should increase when you return to your chair. Drinking water should help improve your concentration levels too, as dehydration can quickly cause fatigue and tiredness.
Be Kind To Yourself
Remember that there is a global pandemic going on, and that you shouldn’t be hard on yourself if you struggle to go back to ‘normal’ after being at home and out of your routine for so long. Many of us have been put through extreme stress and out of our usual comfort zones, so another upheaval is sure to cause a little anxiety. Just try to be realistic and don’t expect yourself to go straight back to how you used to be at work. It will come with time!
For more advice about going back to work, its always a good idea to chat to close friends and colleagues about how you feel. You might be surprised to hear that they feel the same way and they might have some invaluable advice on getting you back on track!
Let us know how you’re preparing for going back to work in the comments below.