Using Metabolic Age for Weight Loss

If you’ve been to Bodyline recently you may have noticed our new Bodytrax machines, which are set to make our clinical weight loss programmes even more effective.

Bodytrax uses something called body composition technology to give us more of an insight into the physical make up of your body, in turn allowing us to give you scientifically tailored advice on how to lose weight. It focuses on four main measurements: weight, BMI, visceral fat and metabolic age.

Some of these terms will be familiar, and if you’re a Bodyline customer you’ll know your current BMI, but metabolic age and visceral fat are probably less well-known measurements. In this blog we’ll explore the concept of metabolic age and explain why it is important for weight loss.

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What is metabolic age?

Metabolic age is a calculation used by health and weight loss professionals that compares how quickly your body burns calories when it is resting (known as Basal Metabolic Rate) to the average rate for other age groups.

It’s useful as an overall indicator of wellbeing, because it takes into account other aspects of health aside from weight, such as the ratio of muscle and fat a person has. It can be used alongside other measurements like BMI to set goals and track progress.

What metabolic age means

Metabolic age indicates how effective your body is at burning energy. When you are sat completely still, your body still burns a certain number of calories; the fitter and healthier you are, the more calories you will burn when you’re at rest.

When metabolic age is lower than your actual age you are in good health and your body can burn calories very effectively. If your metabolic age is older than your chronological age, it’s time to take action to improve your fitness.

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How to calculate metabolic age

Trained dieticians and professionals will be able to guestimate your metabolic age based on height, age and weight. There are also complex formulas you can use or online metabolic age calculators.

The best way to calculate metabolic age is to use the body composition technology in our Bodytrax machines, currently being rolled out across our clinics. These machines scan the body and take precise measurements meaning the calculation of metabolic age is much more accurate.

How to lower metabolic age

Anyone with a metabolic age higher than their actual age isn’t as healthy as they should be and might want to start thinking about changing their diet and fitness regime.

Getting more exercise and eating more fresh fruit and vegetables are great ways to lower metabolic age – you also could try eating smaller meals spaced out throughout the day, drinking more water, as well as cutting out sugar and processed foods.

Other ideas include eating more lean protein to boost your muscle mass, in turn lowering your metabolic age. You can also try going to bed earlier and having a lie in to lower your metabolic age, as getting enough sleep can help to kickstart your metabolism and help your body to build lean muscle.

Don’t be fooled into thinking starving yourself will lower your metabolic age. When you don’t fuel your body correctly, it will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will actually lower.

Speak to our weight loss professionals next time you’re in clinic who can explain more about your metabolic age and help you set goals to lower it.

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About the author

Picture of Sally-Ann Turner

Sally-Ann Turner

I am the founder and Managing Director of Bodyline. I am passionate about providing tailored medical wellness treatments and industry leading clinical support that really make a positive difference to people’s lives. I am currently working across industry sectors to innovate women’s health solutions that deliver better patient outcomes in peri menopause and menopause.

Find me on LinkedIn

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