Back To Work Weight-Loss

With lockdown measures beginning to ease up, many people have been starting to look at quick weight-loss solutions to shed the extra pounds they’ve gained since restrictions were put in place back in March. Our research found that the average person in the UK has gained 6lb since the country went into lockdown. Here are some ideas to help you get back down to your pre-lockdown weight.

Phent H

If your work clothes have become a little bit of a squeeze, our Phent H capsules are a 100% natural solution to getting your cravings under control. Take one to three tablets daily and your appetite will be naturally suppressed meaning you’ll find it easier lose some weight before you return to your post.

Phent H harnesses the abilities of the garcinia cambogia plant, which sends signals to your brain that make your stomach feel fuller. This should help to get your portion sizes under control and stop you from grazing on snacks in between meals. It also helps to boost your body’s metabolism, helping you break down fats and process food quicker.

It is available to buy from our website for just £25, and can be taken in conjunction with any of our prescription medication for an extra boost!

Drink Water

We’ve said it a million times, but we’ll say it again. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help to get your metabolism running smoother, as well as making your stomach feel fuller. It promotes smooth running of your body’s functions, give you more energy and can also offer a brighter and clearer complexion.

Drinking a cup of hot water in the evening is a great way of cutting back on the calories. If you’re usually one to reach for a fizzy drink or glass of wine, hot water can quench that craving in a similar way. Add a splash of lemon juice for added benefits and antitoxins.

The benefits of drinking water really are endless!

Plan Ahead

Being prepared is a great way of staying on track of your diet when you get back to work. Make sure that your shelves are well stocked with healthy fruit and vegetables and try to prepare your meals ahead of schedule for the week to avoid the temptation of grabbing some unhealthy fast food on your lunch break. If you don’t have time for that, try to make sure that you have plenty of low-calorie snacks on hand or in your drawers at work such as bananas and apples, low-calorie soup sachets, energy bars etc, that will give you that full feeling and provide a slow burning release of energy.

If you have any moe questions or concerns about your weight-loss journey before you go back to work, why not get in touch with our team and book a consultation with one of our nurses? They will be able to provide quality care and advice that’s tailored to you so that you can reach your goals. Call us on 0800 995 6036 to get booked in!



About the author

Picture of Sally-Ann Turner

Sally-Ann Turner

I am the founder and Managing Director of Bodyline. I am passionate about providing tailored medical wellness treatments and industry leading clinical support that really make a positive difference to people’s lives. I am currently working across industry sectors to innovate women’s health solutions that deliver better patient outcomes in peri menopause and menopause.

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