Making A Bucket List

Just in case you didn’t know – a ‘bucket list’ is a list of things that you want to do before you kick the bucket. It sounds a bit morbid, but it can be a great way of making you try new experiences and focusing your attentions on creating amazing memories.

Bucket lists can range from something as simple as dying your hair a different colour, to skydiving or visiting a different far away country.

There are plenty of lists online but making your own is more personal and is a great way to focus on what you really want. Now, with the current COVID-19 pandemic causing us to stay home and miss out on a summer full of fun, it’s the perfect time to sit back and reflect on what you really would like to do once restrictions are lifted and the world slowly gets back to ‘normal’.

Start Small (But Dream Big)

With the current situation, bear in mind that you need to make some of your items attainable now, in order to start ticking things off your list. Writing down all of the places that you want to visit or little things you want to get done soon is a good place to start. Then think of all the predictable bucket list activities too, such as swimming with dolphins or visiting the wonders of the world – they’re on everyone’s bucket lists for a reason!

Be Creative

You only have one life, so try to think back to all the crazy big dreams that you had as a child and work towards turning them into reality. If you wanted to be a footballer or actor, you don’t need to be literal, but you can still have some incredible experiences such as going to a World Cup match or a West End theatre production. This way, you’ll have that once in a lifetime feeling that you’ll never ever forget.


When it comes to getting things ticked off your list, start with the most affordable at the time for you, or the things that mean the most. If one of your items is very expensive, then put plans in place to how you will save up for it, such as taking on extra work or cutting back on something you don’t really need i.e. coffee or clothes. Make it your goal to work towards your experience and you’ll really appreciate it when you finally do.


Getting your friends and family involved is a great way of making sure that you have these experiences and tick them off your bucket lists! It can keep you focused working towards doing new things with other people, and you never know what doors it could unlock for you.

If you and a friend share a bucket list idea, you can always treat each other for Christmas or birthdays. Having a partner in crime, will make it extra fun!

No Pressure

Having a bucket list is meant to be fun, so don’t’ put pressure on yourself to do stuff that you can’t afford or that you don’t really want to be part of. If you do book something in, such as sky diving for example, then decide that actually you’re too scared to make the jump, don’t beat yourself up about it! You’ve crossed it off your list to some extent and you know that it’s not actually something that you want to do.

So, whether it’s simply trying sushi or moving to Japan for a year, the world is your oyster. Be creative, have a really good think about what you’d like to do in your lifetime and most importantly – have fun!

About the author

Picture of Sally-Ann Turner

Sally-Ann Turner

I am the founder and Managing Director of Bodyline. I am passionate about providing tailored medical wellness treatments and industry leading clinical support that really make a positive difference to people’s lives. I am currently working across industry sectors to innovate women’s health solutions that deliver better patient outcomes in peri menopause and menopause.

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