Weight loss pills have been used by hundreds of thousands of people across the UK and US, guaranteeing efficient and effective weight loss results. For some people, weight loss is trickier through exercise and diet alone, often due to elements completely out of their control such as metabolism and genetics. This is where the help of weight loss pills come in. But what are they, and how do they work?
What are weight loss pills?
Weight loss pills are a form of medication that work in the appetite centre of the brain, and act as an appetite suppressant. They block signals of hunger and curb cravings, allowing the user to successfully remain in a calorie deficit to achieve their weight loss goals.
The weight loss pills offered by Bodyline Clinic include Phentermine and Diethylpropion, as well as natural weight loss supplements that help aid weight loss. We have treated over 100,000 clients, helping them achieve their weight loss goals.
Phentermine and Diethylpropion are not available over the counter, and must be safely prescribed by a registered clinician, which is offered here at Bodyline. Bodyline is CQC regulated, offering confidence to all our clients that we only prescribe safe and effective weight loss pills.
Who can take weight loss pills?
Bodyline prescribes weight loss pills to those with a BMI of over 27, allowing for those who fall into the category of overweight and obese to make use of our fantastic weight loss pills. The NHS prescribes only to those with a BMI of 35, so our wider catchment allows anyone who feels they need to lose weight the opportunity to do so with the help of medical weight loss pills.
How do they work?
Weight loss pills work in various ways, but they all find a way to target the central nervous system, blocking the signals of hunger and appetite and essentially suppressing the appetite.
Can I buy them?
Weight loss pills are most effective when used alongside a supported programme, offering regular advice, guidance, and motivation throughout a weight loss journey. When a user just takes weight loss pills like they are a magic way to lose weight, they will not lose the amount of weight they could, and the weight may creep back when the course has been completed.
That’s why Bodyline prescribes our weight loss pills as part of a fully supported and personalised weight loss programme, ensuring our clients achieve their weight loss goals, all whilst moving them towards healthier and sustainable lifestyle changes. This ensures the weight that comes off stays off.Check out our medical weight loss programme payment plans here.