Is Preparation a part of Your Weight Loss Plan?
Anyone who has been on a weight-loss journey knows that one of the hardest things about dieting is constantly thinking about food. What can I eat? How many calories are in this/that? When is the best time to eat? How much do I need to eat to lose with my BMI?
These are just a few of the questions we find ourselves asking daily. With many of us juggling work and family commitments it is completely understandable that sometimes we ‘slip’ and grab something quick and easy for lunch or just end up having what ‘everyone else is having’.
We have come up with 5 tips for your food prepped working week.
- Choose a variety of tasty weight loss recipes in advance – there is an abundance of recipes online – depending on which diet you are following. By shopping for your ingredients at the beginning of the week you will be less tempted to grab something off a shelf at the local convenience store mid-week.
- Containers! By buying a set of reusable containers and prepping your meals in bulk you will both save time and have the luxury of grabbing something out of the fridge/freezer on the day. You can buy online or in any good-sized supermarket.
- Snack prep – don’t forget to create some snacks while you’re preparing your meals – carrot and celery sticks take minutes to make and can be an invaluable snack if you’re on the go – also, a bag of nuts in the car can put a satisfying stop to hunger pangs!
- Stay motivated – we all feel despondent at times and the lure of a sugary treat when you’re feeling low can be unbearable. Remind yourself why you’re doing this. Did you put weight on during the pandemic? Are you trying to lose those difficult post-baby pounds, or have you simply decided THIS IS YOUR TIME to get healthy? Whatever the reason, taking stock and checking in with yourself can help you re-focus and say no to that little bit of whatever it is you’re fancying.
- Exercise – yes, it’s difficult to find the time you might have to make the time (setting your alarm clock for 30 mins earlier is a great tip). However, there is no denying the benefits of moderate exercise for both weight loss and mental health. Yes, you can lose weight by dieting alone. But, if you want to accelerate your weight loss and feel good on the inside too 30 minutes of yoga, walking, or jumping around to Davina McCall is a great boost.
For more tips on diet, exercise and all things healthy visit our wellness hub, and good luck!